Monday 13 September 2010

2am and just plain bull shit

't It's 2am and can't sleep. I swear it just never let's up and I can't put this on my other blog it would depress to many people and make them feel uncomfortable. Steph and Scott will probabley wont get her kids back. CPS crooked asses that they are will give them to her ex not because he loves the kids and does for them. He is in the army has money not saying he hadnt seen them in a year and when he was here he only spent an hour with them because he was parting. But that she bitch of a judge had her ass kissed a lot. Don't know how bad this is going to go down. They should catch him out and I am sure there is bog to put him in.
Talked to the landlord of the apt I want but there is know way I can get 550 for the deposit. It will hard just getting the 550 for the dam rent. I dont know I guess I am not suppose to have a home. Looks like will have to put BA down. And the next person that tells me to pray I am going to smack. Like the God they talk about is going to help me. Sure and I believe I have gold in my shoe. My sister in law could help but she wont. I dont know I am sick to death of the whole dam thing and that is saying alot. Have to move cant keep being with Jodi but since I cant get this place dont know what I am going to do. I should try to sleep Jodi will be home tomorrow and she will have a hang over so the day will be a bitch. I hate people and I cant stand having to deal with them. Yes, there is a God, but is back has been turned on me for along long time. And I doubt if there is anygoing back. So the bullshit continues and the hate rises up and that is the world according to Sheryl


  1. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to leave a comment before now. I tried by stinking Blogger would erase my comment whenever I hit "post comment" it would come up "error 503." Seems to be working again, now.

    I feel so bad that you may have to put BA down. That's awful. You know I've been there with my wonderful cat, Red--and other pets, so you have my love and sympathy sent to you. It breaks my heart that this may come about.

    I'm also sorry you can't come up with the $550. that's a lot of money, and I can see where it would be hard. You know if I had it to give, I'd help. Can't move myself, for the same reason. 2-3 year waiting list for Sect. 8 housing vouchers, here in upstate NY. It's a disgrace! Politicians living in big homes in nice developments begrudging other, less fortunate people decent housing.

    I often hate people too. They're unneccessarily mean and rude and greedy. God bless America my arse. As for prayer, I agree. People treat God like he's a lottery, say the right prayer, and win the home of your dreams, that new car, a good-paying job, etc. Bullshit.

  2. I was told not having faith and believeing is why all this ship happens. My exsil could let me have the money but wont. Which means the money she threw away moving to cville when I knew it wouldnt work will never be paid back because I dont give a dam as she whines about her life she pays 200 amonth for a two bedroom and that includes all utilies but elecrtic poor poor her. Can see I hate everything in life there is

  3. Damn, I can't stand people who say stuff like that. That's mean and not very Christian. Next time tell them that prayer isn't a lottery ticket and that God isn't a magic genie. That's not what He's there for. Providing "He" actually exists at all.

    Yeah, it always pisses me off too, when people who are way better off than me, whine about not having anything. Some single retired guy I used to know, used to constantly bitch and moan to me about having to spend money, when he was making 20 grand a year, and only paying $275 a month in rent and his utilities. His car was paid for, his mobile home mortgage was paid in full. He wasn't supporting anyone but himself, didn't even own a pet. Jeez. I could live extremely well on 20 grand a year, even with the govt. education people garnishing 10 percent. Stinking whiners.

    Chilly here, but lovin' it. Big ol' hug from me.

  4. Yes, 20 grand I could live good. Hell I could on 15000 if the stupid people would leave me alone. Am really tired of people But at least I will get to keep BA. Hollo and would you believe a friend of jodis talk me in to taking a all white male cat that was mistreated so will have to get him fixed some how. lord animals are so much better than people. hugs sweetie it is hot here again dam it and the moquistoes are bad. Not enough bugs I guess
