Thursday 23 September 2010

One step

The 23rd of Sept and this time last year Ihad moved into another house and had a good job. And now I am moving again. Because I did get the 550 deposit. But and this is a big but dont have octobers rent it is what it is.
I got my pain meds on the 13th and Jodi has left me 17 I will be glad to get out of here.  Anyway I now need to find a bed and a chair and a kitchen table. i have lost everything. No towels and washrag or nothing. anyway one step is better than none   gues 


  1. Oh, look at BA. He's such a pretty little guy, I hope everything will work out OK for you. I don't want to interfere with your life, or go behind your back and do anything. However, my next door neighbour's cousin is in the Salvation Army, and she's getting a personal e-mail address for me, for Lafayette. If you want, I can e-mail the Lafayette office for you? Maybe someone else asking for help will make a difference?

    If not, that's fine. I don't want to offend or upset you, and I won't do a thing unless you say it's OK. I'd never interfere with your life, unless you wanted me to help.

    It was just an idea, anyway. I didn't tell my neighbour much. I don't like to talk about my friend's private lives with other people, that's kind of tacky. I just told my neighbour that I had a friend in Indiana that was having a hard time. My neighbour was homeless for a few months, and didn't have any furniture either. Everything she's got now, she has cos' people have given it to her. Her sister just bought her a beautiful used living room set that was being thrown away by some hotel she worked for. Before that, her sofa had no legs and was standing on concrete cinderblocks. So, she can relate to both our situations. Heck, I wouldn't have a sofa either, if my ex-friend's neighbour hadn't gotten rid of it, a few days before I'd moved in.

    Let me know if you want me to try to get help for you?

    Big hug.

  2. Sure would like that help. I spent from 8:50 am until 10:30am hitting redail trying to get through on the only day they take calls for help on tues and never did get through and that has been going on for 5 tues. Hopefully I will be moved in tomorrow evening. I am so ready. BA doesnt look that good now you can see his spine. And Hallo's eve is attacking things because of thier stupid shit. Well, I did get a full size box spring and frame so will sleep on that until I find a mattress. I am just tired of it here Some news though yesterday morning Jodi had a siezure dont know what caused it but wasnt as bad last time so that was good but I told her she is going to have to cool it or it is going to be worse. Hugs to you I am getting a little sick so hugs to you will read and right more tomorrow once I am over there hugs.

  3. Hey kiddo, I got a very quick response from the head social worker at the Salvation Army in Lafayette. She asked that you contact her personally. Just so you know, I laid it on with a trowel. I didn't lie or anything, not at all. I just used my writing skills to give you a good sob story. I didn't used to shovel manure for a living for nothing, ha-ha.

    Here's what she wrote:

    We do help with rental assistance and I try do make it as painless as possible, Just have your friend call on the number below and we can get the process started and see what other rescouces we might direct her towards. It need not be a shameful act to ask and receive assistance (especially in these hard times) but if you do not ask no one know that you are needing assistance. So please convince your friend that we will do everything in our power to make this as smooth a process as possible during this, her time of desparate need.

    Here's her contact info:

    Dawna Whitus
    The Salvation Army
    Director of Social Service Ministries
    1110 Union Street
    Lafayette, IN 47904
    Phone: 765-742-0006
    Fax: 765-742-2491

  4. Thank you for getting to her. Will contact her today. Have talked to her before. She told us to call between 9am and 10:30am to make an appointment and we know how that went but now that you have contacted her shemight do something different. As she knows someone else is watching them. Thank you will blog more now that I am but am sleeping on box springs and dont sleep good but it is getting there. BA is here and so is Hallo and her little ones. So hopefully it will be a quiet week. hugs my friend

  5. Let me know how it goes with them. Big hug to you, and a pat on the head to BA and Halo.
