Tuesday 14 December 2010

12/14 tues almost 12/15

Third stage no stage it just isnt getting any better. the foodstamp bitch finally set the letter with things she wanted. Most of it I dont have like car registration stupid bitch knows I dont have a car and things like that. Baileys birth certificate which I have to go pay for. So I was going to try and get there tomorrow it has been to cold to walk without a coat. Well, I just found out it was suppose to bein my monday. So now I have to call the bitch and tell her I have it and see if she wants to start all over. I swear if she does I want a different case worker. Anyway I do have a doctors appointment tomorrow with the doctor I was diagnoised with fibermygia in 1990 now at that time he was a pretty good doctor. Well why I wanted to see him was because the doctors atthe health clinic are quakes. It has taken me three months to get to see him as he only comes once every few months. I just want himto make sure they donttryand changemy meds and the amount I get stupid stupid people. Of course now my arms  are bothering.  And the last few days I have been thinking and meditating on things and I think I am simi depressed. But hell why not cant pay the rent on time if at all  cant pay any other bills have to have food. Love my daughter but when she lives here and I finally realize if anyone lives  with me it over whelms me and I stop doing everything just the mimum and things go into a downward spiril. Which is how I missed this dam deadline on the food stamps and everything else. I want Bailey to stay with me I can do better by him but then I want him to be with his mother.  Decisions like this arent easy to figure out. I dont how this week is going to playout but you can just bet it wont be good. So this day is over and the new one started and I dont know anymore than I did yesterday

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