Wednesday 15 December 2010

12/15 morning going into noon

Well, in an hour at 11:30 I will start walking to the Doctors. It is around 5 degrees out. Since I found out that the extra paper work for the food stamp office was suppose to be turned in monday I know the stupid black bitch will again denie the claim. I called left a message with her and her supervisor telling her first I told her at the beginning no car or bank account and that bailey went to murdock school. She requested information I got that ot her 3 days late and nothing about baileys birth certifcate was on it or were he went to school was on it. But did tell her no car or bankaccoutn. So she canceled it and the reopened it and then asked for this bullshit. Now that it is late again she will denie it and who knows what it will take to get it going. I called again asked for adifferent caseworkerandno one answers or calls back so they gaveme the phone number of the supervisor over them all and I gave the info and asked for acall back none. Then stupid jodi found out i have been dening Maci calls as scott is in jail because of her and the bull and I dont wanted it started here. So she wont walk to the doctors with and then to the store. So I amnot going to get any food at the store she can kiss my ass. I am so tired of tring to make everyone happy I dont care anymore. I am so tired of it all. I am tired of beingat everyones mercy. So now will beoff to the doctor nocoat and I dont feel like even walking now. Am tired of it all I hate my family so much I dont know what I am going to do.  Anyway snow is coming in and I hope it takes us all out and then I wont have to worry no more

1 comment:

  1. Dear Fre! I'm so glad to be here. Sorry for being late but I had problems dealing with blogspot... I do hope everything will be fine with you.

    Big hugss

    Sandra or Huncamunca:)
