Friday 22 October 2010

Fools, ignorant's and everything else inbetween

Finally, the week is over. It has been physically, mentally exhausting. Thursday I couldnt bear to leave the house. And took three naps I just was beat and so was my poor body. Today, did some more walking which my legs dont seem to really like doing and then messed with the bus system. Went to K-mart as Jodi wanted to get Baily his Halloween costume got the bus there just fine. But you would thing the bus would come right back to the same spot. Well it does except it stops at the side of kmart and the one that stops at the front doesnt go downtown at all it goes into a big big circle. And of course we didnt find this out until we made the complete round trip talk about pissed. Then it made us so late we had to get off the bus a block and half from school and had to cut across the park without sidewalks. Now I dont mind it but I still dont feel good. Then I get home and the food stamp office gave me the wrong paper. Instead of the change of address and add people papethey had me fill a brand new app. Now when they called to verify the information to set up the interview. I advised her it wastn a new case it was a transfer from one county to the next and change of address. She then sent me the stupid interview date for new cases. Called her again and she said I had a open case here. Said now I had open in crawfordsville and I was transferring and more crap. Couldnt get hold of the case worker so monday I am walking down there and it will be strenghten out for sure. Now my lappy is going down something to do with the windows app and I am in the safe mode with networking hopefully this will do until I can get it fixed so today has been a fools day I am afraid

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