Tuesday 19 October 2010

Groan, Groan, Sigh

00410pm and I have figured since Saturday morning I have walked around 10miles and I am tired. After taking Bailey to school I came back to the house and then left and went to jodi's. We then went to down and changed food stamp info and applied for medicad. Then went to the social security office and they couldnt find my ex's name so In have to go back with his ss#. We went back to jodi's and then to work one so I could help her with her resume ex. Then we walked to her doctor's appointment. We set there from 2:30pm until 6:30pm. And then he looked at her and told her having seizures wasnt good.(ya think) and since they are only allowed to referral to outside sourses and they had met thiers they dont know how they will get her in to see a nurologist. so actually the doctors appointment was totally useless. If you have no insurance or money forget getting help.
We got home at around 7, BA was jumping all over and the cats were all over the place. I forgot to uncover the birds so had to do that for a few hours then recover them. So our little routine was blown and that isnt good at this point. I dont know Jodi will be homeless friday because of the slumlord.But, she will stay one week with a friend and then we shall see. But, I just cant let her come here or it would be a repeat of the past few years and I just cant go through that again. I feel bad butttttt I just cant.
Tomorrow I plan to stay at home and do what hasnt got done for the past few days. I am really tired and have walked until I cant walk no more. Anyway I get my flu shot on the 25th so then I will see if I have lost anything. But, I am to tired to think of that tonight. I did get some good pictures today. Tried to get a picture of a little woodpecker but my zoom wasnt strong enough but still it was a good day. hugs to all


  1. So sorry about your sister. Every single stupid, selfish American against socialized medicine should rot in the bowels of hell where they belong. Too bad about the pic of the woodpecker. Maybe you'll see it again and get a better shot.

  2. Just got a letter from the food stamp office and they have royally screwed it up. So monday I will go in and give them a picece of my mind what little there is and show them there they messed it up. Dam you think they could get one thing right. Oh ya this is America and mircles dont happen
