Tuesday 31 August 2010

Wasted day, stupid medical people and were the hell is the bus

Left the house at 8am of course bus didnt get there until 8:25 I wouldnt have had to be on it at all but Jodi had my unemployment debit card and got it caught in the banks atm machine. Which means I had to go and get it this morning. I should have known it was going to be a comedy of errors. I hurt so bad I can barely walk. Well, I get to the Bank and had to wait until 9am so got a cup of senior coffee ( didnt realize I qualifiedy:) ) Anyway I went over to the Bank gave them my id with my picture and SS#on it even though it is expired it isnt like my face will change or the SS# would and then gave them my birth certificate, SS card with num on it. And the unemployment award paper with name address and last 4 numbers on it. And they didnt want to gvie me my card as my Id was expired. Let's just say I went off and I got my card stupid asses makes you want to punch them all in the mouth.
So I left there went and got Jodi a pack of cigs and her bus money so I wouldnt have to listen to her mouth. And decided I was not going to walk to the health clinic but ride the bus around as I just was hurting to bad and felt bad. So I went to Dollar General got teeth supplies(cleaning and brush) and excedrins  and I did find a charger for my aa batteries for my camera. So I got that as if I didnt jodi would spend all my money. Anyway I got to the clinic and told them I didnt have an appointment but I just needed the triage nurse to look at these bites and rash on my arm as it was thought to be either bedbug bites or scabies or whatever. NO they wanted me to make an appointment. I said no I needed her to just come out look and see if it was contagious or what. NO. So before I left I let everyone know in the waiting room and all that if atfter going to the Er and if was scabbies they would be liable to get it as I was not seen.  So feeling bad I walked over to the ER.  It was bites and they gave me 3 kinds of meds don't know if I am going to get it filled as they also gave me a shot. Wouldnt give me anything for the severe pain I am in told me go back to the doctors (no dont ask what I said) Anyway left there was going to walk home but just couldnt do it it was to hot and I still feel bad. as my BP was 200over 98 so ooooo. The bus took for ever and if I had walked I would have beat the dam bus. But, I waited and still had to walk 2 blocks as they changedthe bus routes and I forgot which one was which. 
Oh it gets better. I came home and told Scott and Steph I had to go over to west lafayette to pick up my meds but I was calling to see how much it was. Now I had my bp meds that I hadnt picked up lazst week. Would you believe that they went with out my meds and money so they made a trip for nothing so how stupid is that.  
Jodi is acting like a bitch again and I dont know how long this is going on. It is a hot humid day and I am tired of this shit. But, it really seems like a wasted day that is for sure.

Sunday 29 August 2010

Wide a wake what the heck time is it

3:14am in the dam morning and I can't sleep. Nothing on the telly and I even upset BA he got down on the floor. I have did my unemployment and Pearl's too. I played on Pogo.com and even a game on face book. What the crap I am tired just cant sleep. I am hurting all over and no painpills  Dam I am not going to be in a good mood tomorrow. And of course Jodi will be back tomorrow afternoon. Have to make sure BA is around front with Scott be for she gets home. It does fell good to have BA with me. Who would have thought that at 61 everything would suck so bad and my kids would be using me like they did. Sometimes I think this isnt my life I am missing something. I am just tired of  all of this. And of course, I really dont have anyone to helpme. I really dont know what to do.  Guess maybe I need to try and lay down again.

Saturday 28 August 2010

Not what was expected

Saturday night, and I expected to be at the Jazz Festival. Diane went to work for a few hours at the nursing home she works at.But, she said she wasn't feeling good all week. Actually, I just she just didnt want to go. Oh, well there is always next year. We bombed the building again and so set outside most of the day. The birds liked it. But got a little warm and decided to use thier drinking water to take a bath. Jodi went and stayed in a hotel with alan. Glad they had the dam money for it. So I let Scott bring BA around and he is staying with me tonight. Bailey found $20 in an atm machine so he bought me and him ice cream. He is Nana's boy. I am putting my pictures on Flickr so I wont loose them off the laptop. So I decided I am going to use the other blog on here as my photo dairy also. So tomorrow I will start adding them. My stomach is upset and I think it is all the stress. Anyway at least tonight is quiet and that is what I need. Hope everyone has a nice long weekend.

Friday 27 August 2010

Time flys when your not having fun

It is a cool 73 degrees and the humidity is down. They have bombed and sprayed for the bedbugs in building and will be doing it again. So we got rid of all of our furniture. Now we have found out that the man upstairs in the front has scabies. Dam everyone is going to the doctor just to checked. If I got them I would kill him. But, I never went around him and didnt let him in the apartment which might be the reason we didnt get them. Anyway my friend doesnt feel good enough to go to the Jazz Festival so guess we arent going of course now that jodi has taken the last of my Darvocets and I cant get them refill until 9/19 I am screwed. No pain pills for me. Anyway tomorrow I will have to take the birds out back for a while as they are bombing again and then spraying. So on the patio we go. Actually that is where I am now. I just hope I can get into the front apt soon.Who knows that will get screwed up too. Nothing has gone right since we come back. Even though I love Lafayette. Guess have to take the good with the bad. To bad there is more bad than good at the moment.

Sunday 22 August 2010

And the moon is arising

Sunday  is here and nothing is totally resolved. Bailey will staying at Pearl's  for a couple of days more. Sonja is letting scott and Stehpanie move to the two bedroom building but. it is 475 amonth plus they have to pay all utilities.  I want thier one bedroom apartment but I will pay by the month instead of the week. So I dont have to see them. Dont know yet. But everyone in the building has lost thier beds, living room chairs and couches etc. So I contacted the congress woman here because none of the so call organziations that are suppose to help the people wont. We arent in the right country for them to help.
I will say it was quiet all day yesterday and last night but again it is going on and on here. Still might have to put BA down I dont know. Anyway will see. I am just sick this is libal to take me down for sure.  So am just waiting and will have to sleep on the floor so I dont know how that is going to do for me. But it is what it is and I just dont give a dam no one else does that is for sure

Friday 20 August 2010

Hell just continues and little critters

Thought things would calm down maybe alittle Hell of course not. We are renting from a slumlord as before. The apt. above ours has dam bedbugs that right bedbugs and these critters are 1/4" so she has had them a while. Now the she contacted city engineer who was to look at her apt only. And she already had and eviction. So they looked at everyones apt. Now the guys around front and up stairs they didnt bother. But Scotand his girlfriend they did and then the pig called Child protect service and the kids were dirty as they had been playing outside and they had bites on them and yes they took them I have never seen any bullshit in my life. Now they said no children in building until engineering says ok. So Bailey and Jodi went to allans so she is drunk and being hateful as ususal and I stayed here I have no place else to go. Then they sprayed yes for the wrong thing. I had the birds and turtle outside then lost the dam turtle so jodi again is going off. So now we have to find out tomorrow what is going on. And there is no one to help up even though they are trying to close the place down. I dont know I said rent paid I aint leaving. So I dont know what is going to happen I am worried about Bailey and I swear it just keeps happening. And looks like we have to put BA down. another sore point between jodi and i. So I dont know what to do or not do. So Hell is continuing and I dont dare put this on anyother blog.God they think there something wrong with me as there is.

Monday 16 August 2010

8/16 Nice 58 degrees humidity 96

What a nice cool morning outside. Inside still a Little warm cant open the windows.
A little bummed this morning wanted to take this camera class at the Art Federation but the $30 I was going to use will used to pay Jodi's part of the rent again. Supposedly she is looking for work but she could have two weeks ago applied for her last extension on unemployment (she didn't) and applied for her food stamps and taniff (she didn't) sooooooo. I know this class isn't important in the scheme of things but in mine it is.
Oh, well did go to the Mosey Downtown Saturday night. Diane was really disappointed but I think she was thinking it was going to be a production like the other three festivals they put on every year. But the mosey is actually a street fair which came from the merchants getting together and having one night a month to open shops late and putting things outside. So all the bands and entertainment is donated and then the vendors are out there showing their crafts and then the stores get to show people that don't go downtown a lot what is there. And that is how the Street Fair got going. That saying this month was dedicated to the 60's and Woodstock era. Let me just say that if there was any 60's or Woodstock music then I can whistle Dixie,not. They were having alot of trouble with the sound systems. Could have been the humidity. Same guy did all stages I don't know. Diane says she wont go back.  I say lets give it one more chance after the humidity stops and go for a couple hours next month. Just to be fair of course I look at it like it is a street fair. Now  on the 28th the Jazz festival will take place now that will be a big affairs and the bands are paid and it is a real big deal. I am really looking forward to that and it will be by the river like all the other festivals just hope the humidity is down.
Yesterday didnt do to much. Jodi moped around the house think she burned a bridge when she was drunk that she should have waited until she got Bailey's school clothes and got a job just saying screwed herself and bailey and made it harder on me. Oh well need to get changed and go outside for a minute and decide what I can do this week.

Saturday 14 August 2010

8/14 Saturday Early

First try using Oil Pastels. Did
the first picture and then
added more detail

Well, I have been up since 7:30am not that I got much sleep. Jodi was drinking as usual and got into an argument with Scott. She was looking for a fight. Then her and Alan was arguing on the phone even though they were broke up and then Jamie the newest dumb ass in the picture came and she sent him packing or something don't know for sure as she is a hateful drunk. She through the dam phone and broke and wants to know why I cant fix it today. Stupid is all I can say.She did push the proverbial button. She was yelling and cussing and she didn't like me saying to cool it so she got in my face and threatened to hit me. She did this twice. The last time I told her that to walk away and since she wanted to act like her dad to go be with him I was done.  She came back later crying saying she was sorry she didn't like the look I had and especially know she put it there. She didn't like the feeling that she was like him. Again same crocodile tears as far as I am concerned.  I am really hurting where my breastbone is actually probably and ulcer. The pain goes clear through the back. So I am hurting so bad I cant stand it. She will lay around all day as she has a dam hang over now. I just wish the place I want to would come open soon.But then I don't know where I will get the money. Oh well, so much for a good weekend. It must be terrible to be so miserable as she is. Just like her dad. And they live by the creed Misery loves company
With that I am off to get a cup of coffee and then plan on an evening outing unless it storms of course. :)

Another Day

I have looked forward to the third stage of life thinking I would be able to do everything that I didnt get to do because of choices made in the first to and the varibles that were in it. Didnt really see my kids being abusive or treating me like thier ATM either. I have another blog but really can't put what my daily life is like as people do get tired of the downers and cant say as I blame them as I get tired of my life too. But, it is hard for people that havent or arent going through it to understand. So this is just for people who want to see what the Third stage is really like for the majority of us.