Friday 27 August 2010

Time flys when your not having fun

It is a cool 73 degrees and the humidity is down. They have bombed and sprayed for the bedbugs in building and will be doing it again. So we got rid of all of our furniture. Now we have found out that the man upstairs in the front has scabies. Dam everyone is going to the doctor just to checked. If I got them I would kill him. But, I never went around him and didnt let him in the apartment which might be the reason we didnt get them. Anyway my friend doesnt feel good enough to go to the Jazz Festival so guess we arent going of course now that jodi has taken the last of my Darvocets and I cant get them refill until 9/19 I am screwed. No pain pills for me. Anyway tomorrow I will have to take the birds out back for a while as they are bombing again and then spraying. So on the patio we go. Actually that is where I am now. I just hope I can get into the front apt soon.Who knows that will get screwed up too. Nothing has gone right since we come back. Even though I love Lafayette. Guess have to take the good with the bad. To bad there is more bad than good at the moment.

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