Monday 16 August 2010

8/16 Nice 58 degrees humidity 96

What a nice cool morning outside. Inside still a Little warm cant open the windows.
A little bummed this morning wanted to take this camera class at the Art Federation but the $30 I was going to use will used to pay Jodi's part of the rent again. Supposedly she is looking for work but she could have two weeks ago applied for her last extension on unemployment (she didn't) and applied for her food stamps and taniff (she didn't) sooooooo. I know this class isn't important in the scheme of things but in mine it is.
Oh, well did go to the Mosey Downtown Saturday night. Diane was really disappointed but I think she was thinking it was going to be a production like the other three festivals they put on every year. But the mosey is actually a street fair which came from the merchants getting together and having one night a month to open shops late and putting things outside. So all the bands and entertainment is donated and then the vendors are out there showing their crafts and then the stores get to show people that don't go downtown a lot what is there. And that is how the Street Fair got going. That saying this month was dedicated to the 60's and Woodstock era. Let me just say that if there was any 60's or Woodstock music then I can whistle Dixie,not. They were having alot of trouble with the sound systems. Could have been the humidity. Same guy did all stages I don't know. Diane says she wont go back.  I say lets give it one more chance after the humidity stops and go for a couple hours next month. Just to be fair of course I look at it like it is a street fair. Now  on the 28th the Jazz festival will take place now that will be a big affairs and the bands are paid and it is a real big deal. I am really looking forward to that and it will be by the river like all the other festivals just hope the humidity is down.
Yesterday didnt do to much. Jodi moped around the house think she burned a bridge when she was drunk that she should have waited until she got Bailey's school clothes and got a job just saying screwed herself and bailey and made it harder on me. Oh well need to get changed and go outside for a minute and decide what I can do this week.


  1. Oh, that sucks that you can't take this class cos' Jodi refuses to grow up and be responsible. Heaven help her if she ever ends up on her own all alone. It's a good thing she's got you, or she'd be homeless and hungry in 2 seconds flat, I bet. I really feel bad that you can't take that class. Wish I could give you the funds, but I am down to my last $10 until next month, LOL. Unlike Jodi, I don't have anyone to depend on, to help me keep the roof over my head and food on my table (or laundry in the washer-dryer), LOL.

  2. And because of her I dont have anything either. And at the moment she is drinking again God I am so tired of this I really need to get moved somehow. Just cant find what I wanted and the one I want isnt empty yet. Oh well something will happen soon I hope

  3. I hope so too, you could really use a break, hun!

  4. BTW, is there any place around there, where you can get free clothes for Bailey? Like Sally Army or a church thrift shop? We have a lot of those in NY state, but I have no idea if Indiana is as generous?

  5. Sorry you're not feeling well again. I hope when you read this, you'll be feeling better. Take care.
