Saturday 14 August 2010

8/14 Saturday Early

First try using Oil Pastels. Did
the first picture and then
added more detail

Well, I have been up since 7:30am not that I got much sleep. Jodi was drinking as usual and got into an argument with Scott. She was looking for a fight. Then her and Alan was arguing on the phone even though they were broke up and then Jamie the newest dumb ass in the picture came and she sent him packing or something don't know for sure as she is a hateful drunk. She through the dam phone and broke and wants to know why I cant fix it today. Stupid is all I can say.She did push the proverbial button. She was yelling and cussing and she didn't like me saying to cool it so she got in my face and threatened to hit me. She did this twice. The last time I told her that to walk away and since she wanted to act like her dad to go be with him I was done.  She came back later crying saying she was sorry she didn't like the look I had and especially know she put it there. She didn't like the feeling that she was like him. Again same crocodile tears as far as I am concerned.  I am really hurting where my breastbone is actually probably and ulcer. The pain goes clear through the back. So I am hurting so bad I cant stand it. She will lay around all day as she has a dam hang over now. I just wish the place I want to would come open soon.But then I don't know where I will get the money. Oh well, so much for a good weekend. It must be terrible to be so miserable as she is. Just like her dad. And they live by the creed Misery loves company
With that I am off to get a cup of coffee and then plan on an evening outing unless it storms of course. :)


  1. Wow, you are having a time of it lately. I am grateful every day, that I was never forced to live with my sister--whom is much like Jodi. I don't pray of course, but will cross my fingers and hope you can manage to move into the other place, as it sounds ideal for you.

  2. I got rid of her dad and dam if she isnt just like him. The other place is a little steep but by myself I should do okay. I just want no drama. The next time she trys to raise a hand at me she isnt going to like what is going to happen next

  3. Never put up with abuse. Ignoring it doesn't work. At least, that's how I feel. You gotta' do what you feel is right for you, though. Situatins may be similar, but they're also unique. Go with the flow. God, I sound like a horoscope or Dear Abby...or a lousy fortune cookie, ha-ha.

    Btw, love the 2nd pic. I like traditional art, but also am a big fan of impressionism. You've got a real feel for impressionst art, and I love your use of colors. That's a picture worth framing. I'm no art expert, but I think that second one is show-worthy. You've got real talent, lucky you. I have trouble just drawing a tree or a barn, LOL.

  4. Thank you I am trying to get back into my art. Put it on hold for a lot of years for alot of reasons that now feel like excuses. Hoping I can find a place soon. So I can get BA and Hallo back. The kittens went to good homes if they are still at the no kill shelter I will try and get them back. But, at least they are safe. Probably safer than me.
